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January 01, 2003 - 8:09 p.m.

martha martha martha

broadcasting live from martha's cell...

"HOW TO MAKE THE MOST OF A SMALL SPACE WITH BARS"... a decorating special with Martha Stewart...

i've made a lovely mobile using spoons i've stolen one by one from our dining hall... using the dental floss and hair pins i've created a lovely focal piece which will enhance the look of any small space and make those low cement ceilings seem a whole lot higher... 'you'll love this!'

next we'll look at the decorative wall hangings which i've crafted out of toilet paper, available at any minimum security facility...these will add a homey flair to the walls and help you create a personalized space... just see how quick and easy this project is... the possibilities are endless!

our last project is a favourite of mine... using the sleeves from your pen uniform.. you can make a lovely sitting area...a cozy bench with decorative throw pillows.. all you'll need is a chizzle and some bobby pins... a dull knife and some hair... first you'll need to loosen some large pieces from your cell wall... using the chisle you can shape these to the right height and depth to accomodate you and another 'friend', this is all you'll need, seeing as how visitors are pretty much prohibited... making large gatherings rather difficult... but with these quick and easy steps you can host your own intimate party,,, a soiree for two... after you've finished the bench, take those sleeves which i've gotten ready here... using the hair from my hairbrush and the bobby pins... i've made several small punctures in the edge of the sleeves... and sewn the fabric together at the edges... creating two lovely sleeve shaped pillows.... using the leftovers of my lipstick, i've made a delicate border of finger prints along the edges... which will make these look anything but homemade... the last step, which takes a little longer, and requires some patience is to carefully collect bits of hair and fluff to stuff your creations... making them plump and luxurious... usually the other gals can be convinced to part with their unwanted hairs and lint... here's a tip.. you can often trade them for leftover food and bits of candy... if you're lucky enough to get them from visitors... well

i hope you've enjoyed these great, quick and easy ideas... send us your pictures because we'd love to see how these projects worked for you.

next week, we'll have a special project for you... how to make venetian blinds out of dried spaghetti and soap shavings... and to top it off.. window treatments using the disposable paper gowns they provide for routine lice inspections... plus, how to make the most of that disinfectant spray they use... turning it into a delicate air freshner.

simply divine...


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