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May 05, 2004 - 10:30 a.m.

god it is such a beautiful day,

almost makes me want to become religious so i have someone that i feel compelled to thank.

I just looked at the clock and it's only 10:30. Life is so incredible. Here i was, thinking the day was half over cause i have to work tonight and i now have nothing better to do than "anything i want". which means my ironing, organizing, errands etc, can all get done and i can still make to do lists except that now they'll be reasonably achieved. I wrapt mom's b'day and mother's day loot and ironed and have been reading with a nice cup of coffee and it's still before eleven! i made a list of all the books i want to read this summer, lots. and maybe i'll take lisa's smart advice and get the advance reading list for my courses next year instead of freaking out and feeling behind all year. C'mon now, who can REALLY read four novels a week? anyone?

no, i dint think so.


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